Thursday 2 August 2018

South Surrey Park

Melway Ref.  60 F4 - 60 H1

"Map reproduced from Melway Edition 38 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Park in Through Rd. near Garden Rd., Camberwell.

Head north east through the Through Rd. Reserve.  Turn left at Joffre St. that becomes Through Rd., right at Morey St., then after 120 metres, turn left and walk between the houses to Cooper Reserve by turning right then left.

Turn left into Norman Street then right into Through Rd. and walk along Through Rd. to Riversdale Rd.  Cross over diagonally to the Courtyard Cafe.

After coffee, from the rear of the cafe, head off past the buildings through South Surrey Park, past a little bridge on your left, past a children’s playground on the right and keeping Verdun St. on your right.

At the ‘Y’ junction keep to the right, at the next junction, keep left, at the ‘T’ intersection, turn left.  Cross a little bridge over the creek and walk along with the creek on your right hand side back to Riversdale Rd.

Cross Riversdale Rd. and walk west for a short distance before turning off on a track going down on the left, and walk along with the creek on your left hand side.  Cross over Cornell St., pass the Nazareth House on your right and walk parallel to Ellsworth Cres., then turn left at Hollsmoor Rd., right at Netherway St. and return to the car.

A good lunch spot can be found by walking back into the Through Rd. Reserve where there are several bench seats and a small rotunda.

Walk is about 4.5 km.

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