Route Snapshot

 Use this to get a quick snapshot of the route to take along with you on your walk



1. Ricketts Point   (86 K7 – 86 D9)
Start at  corner of Kitchener St and Beach Road. Park along Kitchener St. Cross Beach Road at the lights and follow the walking track along Beaumaris Bay to Ricketts Point, and continue on to Ricketts Point Teahouse for coffee. Return along the same route.

2. Ricketts point Artist Trail (85 J2 – 86C8)
Start at Bayview Cr. And park car along Bayview Cr. Cross Beach Road at the lights. Toilet facilities available at the start of the track. Turn left and follow the track going South along Port Phillip Bay to Ricketts Point Teahouse for coffee.  Return along the same route.

3. Sandringham Submarine Walk (76 G9 – 76 C3)
Start at  Sandringham Railway Station. Walk up to Bay Road and cross Beach Road at the lights. Turn right and walk north along the track. Turn left into Jetty Road and walk to the office of the Sandringham Yacht Club to ask for the key to view the remains of the First World War submarine. Follow instructions to make your way to the submarine and enjoy looking at the other yachts moored in the marina. Return the key to the office and make your way back to the track along Jetty Road. Continue north along the track until you reach South Road. Continue towards Green Point to view the War Memorial. A bit further up from there in the Brighton Beach Gardens, you can view the colourful Brighton Bathing Boxes. Return to South Road to cross at the lights to reach Brighton Beach railway Station.

4. Brighton Walk (67 C7 – 67 C12)
Start at Brandon Close (off North Road). Park car along Brandon Close. Walk towards the beach. Turn left and walk along the track heading South, past the Middle Brighton Baths, toilet stop at Brighton Life Saving Club until you reach Dendy Street. You can view the Brighton Bathing Boxes from here. Cross Beach Road at the Dendy street lights. Walk along Dendy St. and turn left at New St and immediately trun right into Railway Av. Walk along Railway Av. to reach a walking track. Turn left into Church St. Walk along Church St. until Carpenter St. There is a coffee shop  on your right to stop for coffee. After coffee, continue along Church st. to St. Andrews Street. Turn right into St. Andrews. Continue along St. Andrews St. Turn left at the round about into Outer Crescent, then turn left into Cramer Walk, cross New Street at the lights and follow Grosvenor Street to the Esplanade. Turn right at the lights into St.Kilda St. Turn left at Sandown, turn right into Myrtle which becomes Seacombe, Moule Av. to Bay street. Turn left into St. Ninians Road and join the path which leads towards the beach.  At the beach, turn right and walk towards North Road. There is a huge restaurant at the corner. Then make your way to Brandon Road, back to your car.

Elwood Canal Walk (67C7 - 67A2)
Drive to Brandon Road (off North Road) and park car along Brandon Road. Walk towards the beach. Turn right and walk North along the track. Take a break to enjoy the view at Ormond point. Follow the track till you reach the Elwood Canals.  Turn right, cross Marine Pde at the traffic lights, continue along the canals to Glen Huntly Road. There is a coffee shop at the corner of Glen Huntly Road and Broadway, so to reach the coffee shop turn right into Glen Huntly road and walk along the road till you reach the roundabout at Broadway. After coffee, return along Glen Huntly Road till you reach the canals. Turn right to walk along the canal to St. Kilda Street and continue till you reach Elsternwick Park  at Bent Av. Walk through the Park to Head Street (toilet stop). Continue down Foote St. to North Road. Turn right into North Road to get to Brandon Road and back to your car.

6. St. Kilda Walk (58A9 - 67A3)
Take tram 96 from corner Spencer and Bourke St. heading towards St. Kilda. Get off at  Fitzroy st.  Walk down Fitzroy st towards Jacka Blvd. Cross the road at the lights (toilet stop). Walk past the St. Kilda Yacht club to St. Kilda Pier to the coffee shop on the pier. After coffee, return to the beach, turn right and follow the track past the marina to Point Ormond. Enjoy the views at Point Ormond.  Return to cross Marine Parade at the canals. Follow the canal to Broadway. Turn left at Broadway, continue along Broadway which becomes Mitford st. to Dickens st. Turn right into Dickens st. to enter the St. Kilda Botanical Gardens for lunch. Exit the park at Blessington St. Turn left into Barkly St. Turn right into Ackland st. Follow Ackland St. to Woolworths. Walk through Woolworth to the Peanut Farm Community Gardens. Exit the community Garden at Spenser st. Go around Luna Park to the Esplanade. From there catch a tram to the city or bus to Glen Waverley.

7. Albert Park Lake (2K E5 – 2K B1)
Take the 112 tram from the city to Albert Road and Clarendon Street corner. Walk into the Aquatic Centre for coffee. After coffee, turn left onto Aughtie Dr  and follow the road to Albert Road, then follow the walking path to Lakeside Drive and walk along the track on the Lakeshore until you reach the toilets and picnic area. Turn left and follow the track till you reach the tram line. Take tram 96 to South Melbourne market for dim sims. Then back to the tram to finish in the city.

8. Port Melbourne Gasworks Park (57A3 – 57F1) 
Take the tram 109 to Port Melbourne. Get off at the last stop. Turn left into Bay Street. Walk along Bay St.  and turn right into Liardet street. Walk along this street and cut across the Park to Lagoon Reserve, and turn left into Graham street till you reach the Gasworks Arts Park. The Gasworks theatre and arts and craft workshops are in the Gasworks Park.  Exit the park at Bridport street west. Walk around the school to get to Bridport street for a coffee stop at the corner of Bridport and Cardigan streets. After coffee make your way to Merton street. Turn left and walk along Merton street till you reach St. Vincents Place Gardens. Turn right into St. Vincents Place South and walk along the road, turn left and then left again down St. Vincents Place North and then turn right into Montague st.  Walk along Montague street to Coventry st.  Turn right to see the portable houses on Coventry Street. Continue on Coventry street till you reach Ferrar street to catch the tram back to the city.

9. Beacon Cove Sandridge (57A3-56H2)
Take the tram 109 to Port Melbourne. Get off at the last stop.  Turn right and follow the path along Beacon Cove. Beacon Vista is a significant point along this path, as it is used by the large ships to line themselves up against  Beacon Vista and Beacon tower. This is how they know they are correctly aligned.  Continue on to The Boulevard, the go round ‘The Bend’ to Centre Ave. Continue on Centre Av. and stop for coffee at the corner of Howe Parade. Return to The Boulevard, turn right and follow the beach past the Life Saving HQ. Optional- Follow the path along the jetty and back (1 km return). Return on to Todd road. Follow Todd road to Williamstown Road, then turn right into Williamstown Road to catch the bus at Centre Ave.

10. Williamstown (56B10-56D11)
Take the train to Williamstown Beach station. Walk along Pasco St. Turn left into Verdon Street. Some interesting old houses on this street. Turn right into Perry St and into Dennis reserve. Note the earliest Manse (Presbytery) and the memorial Gas lamps on Lyons street.  Turn left on Melbourne Road and left again into Parker Street. Have a look at the beautiful stone building of the Primary school. Turn right into Cecil street, pass the Robertson reserve to Railway Place and turn left into Gifford street. Cross the railway line and enter the Botanic Gardens. Exit the Botanic Gardens, pass the toilets to the Esplanade. Have coffee at the Rotunda on the Esplanade. Turn left on the Esplanade and walk along the Esplanade and follow the path to Battery Road, pass the Time Ball tower, up Nelson place to have lunch at Commonwealth Reserve.  From there either take the ferry to Melbourne or walk down Thompson Street to Williamstown railway station to get the train back to Melbourne.


1. Marie Wallace Bayswater Park (64B4 – 64G2)
Park your car on Waldheim Road. The track starts at the end of Waldheim Road. Turn right on the track. Follow the track, through the tunnel under the railway line, past King St. Turn right at the first turnoff after King St. Walk along the track through the playground to Mountain Hwy. Cross the railway line and then turn right to the first Vanilla slice shop (not the second Vanilla slice shop). Have coffee and Vanilla slice there. To return, cross the railway line and take the path next to the railway line and follow the same route to return to the cars. Drive along Mountain Hwy back to Marie Wallace Bayswater Park for lunch.

2. Canterbury Gardens (65C2 – 65B1)
Drive to Laura Ct. The track starts at the end of this court. Turn right along the track, past Dorset Road, past Bayswater Road. Turn into the first turnoff on the left after Dorset Road. Follow the track through the playground to Mountain Hwy. Cross the railway line and then turn right to the first Vanilla slice shop (not the second Vanilla slice shop). Have coffee and Vanilla slice there. Return to the cars by the same route and drive to Canterbury Gardens via Lara, Keswick and turn right on  Allambanam to the Canterbury Gardens for lunch.


1. Wurundjeri Trail (61K5 - 61F3)
Start at  play ground in Holland Road. Walk along the grassy strip to the corner of Eley Rd and Royton St.. Cross into Eley Park, go past the Oval to Obrien Cr. To view the Crystal display on the nature strip at the house towards the corner with Lana St. Continue along Lana St., turn right into Mira St., left into Sylvia St. right into Fullton Rd.. Cross Fullton Rd. and enter the track at the corner of Samuel Rd. and Fullton Rd.  Walk across the park towards the Orchard Grove Primary School  and turn left on to the track and follow the track, past the lake to Wilkes Pl. Cross Middleborough Rd. at the lights and stop for coffee at the shops along Middleborough Rd. To return , cross Middleborough Rd. Wilkes Pl. and back on to the track. Now take the track on the right, before the lake and walk along the opposite side of the lake. Walk along the track to exit at Fullton Rd. Walk along Fullton Rd and turn right on Holland Rd. to return to the car. Have lunch in the playground.

2. Blackburn Lake (48B11 – 47J10)
Park your car at the Blackburn Lake carpark off Central Rd. Head down hill to the lake. Turn left along the track. Walk along the lake, past several viewing platforms. Turn right at the head of the lake and take the track on the right which goes along the opposite side of the lake to Lake Rd. Cross over Lake Rd. to take the green path  to Naughton Gv. Follow Naughton Gv. to Blackburn Rd. and walk along Blackburn Road to Heath St. Cross Blackburn Rd.  at Heath St. and join the track in Blackburn Creekland Reserve. Continue along the track, cross Main St. and Packenham St. and take the first right turn and then right again and follow the track to Fushcia St. Turn left at Fushcia St, then right into Salisbury Ave upto the Gourmet Girl Café at the corner of  Salisbury Ave. and Pakenham St. Stop for coffee at the café.  Exit Gourmet Girl and turn right into Laburnum Rd. Walk along Laburnum Rd. and turn into Myrtle Rd. on the right.  Walk along Myrtle Rd. and then turn left into Linum St. Walk past the B&Bs in Linum St., cross Laurel Gv. till you reach Main St. Turn right at Main St. and continue along Main St. Enter the track by turning left into Furness Park. Continue along the track to Furness St. to Blackburn Rd.. Cross Blackburn Rd. and keep walking along Blackburn Rd, then turn left into the National Trust’s Jeffrey St. Being National Trust, there are no kerbs and guttering on this street. Walk along Jeffrey St.  to Lake Rd. and cross to the park entrance. Take the left track down to the lake and return to the carpark.

3. Kerrimuir Suburb (47C4 – 47H6)
Park your car at the carpark of the Chinese Evangilical Church on Elgar Road, opposite Belmore Road.  Join the Bushy Creek track and walk along this track. Cross Station St. at the lights. Continue along the track, cross Dorking Rd, along Springfield Rd. to Middleborough Rd. The coffee shop is at the corner Packham St and Middleborough Rd. After coffee, continue along Middleborough Road, and turn left to join the track along the Eastern Freeway.  Cross the tunnel under Station St. and another tunnel under Elgar Rd and continue along the track to the cars. As an option, there are good lunch facilities at Belmore Road.

Box Hill

1. Box Hill Golf Course (61D3 – 47J10)
Start at corner Riversdale and Sycamore St. and enter the track and immediately turn left. Follow the track past Beaver St. where the track turns left. Follow the track and turn right at the first turning and follow the track to Canterbury Rd. Cross Canterbury Rd. and walk along Middleborough Rd. to Albion Rd. Cross Middleborough Rd. at the lights.  Walk along Middleborough Rd. to the second entrance to the park and follow the track to Fushcia St. , then right into Salisbury Ave up to the Gourmet Girl Café at the corner of  Salisbury Ave. and Pakenham St. Stop for coffee at the café.  Return along the same route.

2. Greythorn Park, Boxhill North (46G4 – 47B4)
Meet at the carpark in Greythorn Park. Go across the park to Frank St. Turn right and walk along Frank St. to Greythorn Road. Turn left to walk along Greythorn Rd. Cross the road and turn right into Sweyn St.  Walk along Sweyn St. till you get to a fork. Turn right into St. Bridgets Rise. This is a very steep down hill walk. Cross Winfield Road and join the walking track to the right. Follow the track until you reach the track along the freeway. Turn right and walk past the lakes to get to the footbridge. Go on the footbridge to get a good view of the lakes and the freeway, and return back to the track. Continue along the track to Belmore Road through Elgar Park. ( Toilet facilities and mini railway in Elgar Park.)  Cross Belmore Road to Boxhill Cr. and turn right into Arnott St. Join the track through a set of gardens to Strabane Ave. This is an uphill walk. Turn right into Strabane Ave. and continue along Strabane to Union Road. Turn right along Union Rd. to the roundabout, cross Belmore Road to the coffee shop at the corner of Kalonga Road and Belmore Road. After coffee, turn right along Belmore Road, turn right into Luena Road, left into Ajana St. right into Abassia St. , left into Yenda St. to Greythorn Rd. Turn right into Greythorn Rd. and left into Alpha St. to return to the cars at Greythorn Park.


1. Wattle Park (61A6 – 60J3)
Drive and park on Judith Street. Walk to the end of the street and turn left to enter the walking track along Gardiners Creek.  There is a monument to the first Melbourne Drive In site here. Cross Burwood Hwy at the Elgar Road lights. Turn right and walk along Burwood Hwy for approx. 100 mtrs and turn left into the Gardiners Creek track. After walking about 1 km. turn left into the second turnoff towards Stott Street. Walk along  Stott street, cross Elgar Road and walk to the entrance to Wattle Park. Turn left into Wattle Park. Follow the track. Turn right at the Oval, through the parking area to the large carpark and stop for coffee at the golf club.  After coffee, make your way back past the toilets and chateau  towards Riversdale Road. Turn right and follow the track Riversdale Road.  Cross Elgar Road at the lights at the corner of Elgar and Riversdale Roads. Follow Riversdale Road. As an option, you can turn left into Grandview Road to have a look at the views to the Dandenongs. This will add half Km. Continue along Riversdale Road, turn right into Station Street. Turn right into the Gardiners Creek track. Walk along the track till you get to the bridge to cross over to the other side of the creek. Walk past the Deakin University ovals and continue to Burwood Hwy. Cross at Elgar Road lights and return to the car at Judith Street.

2. Ashwood Reserve (61A7 – 69F1)
Drive to Sinnott Street local history park. There is a hut in the gardens which replicates early Australian housing. Cross the bridge to enter the Gardiners Creek track. Turn left along the track. Continue along the track past Tudor street and view the geological specimens and posts in the ground which show the various geologic periods. Cross Highbury Road at the lights and follow the Gardiners Creek trail past the wetlands to High Street Road. Cross High Street Road and walk along this road for about 20 yards until you see the track on the opposite side. Enter the track again and continue past the hockey fields and the Harlequin Rugby fields to Warrigal Road. Cross under Warrigal Road and turn left to continue along Warrigal Road to Holmesglen Tafe for coffee. The coffee shop is in block 8. Return along same route and stop for lunch at the hut in the local history park.
Brunswick East
1. Ceres Environment Park (30D11 - 30A5)
Take the South Morang train to Rushall station. The Merri Creek trail starts from just outside this station. 
Walk North west along the Merri Creek trail  till you reach St Georges Rd. Here you will need to go across the bridge to go to the opposite side of the Merri Creek and descend to the trail beside the creek. .
Turn left to follow the creek. Go under the Bligth Street bridge and turn up to Ceres for coffee.
Return by the same route or follow the track north, past the beautiful Russian Church to Donald Street with lunch in Allard Park.
Walk west to Lygon Street to catch the tram to the city.



1. Frog Hollow (60B3 – 45K7)
Drive to Willison Park and park your car at the carpark there. Head under the Railway bridge and turn left on to the track through Frog Hollow. Continue along the track, cross Riversdale Rd. at the lights, across Riversdale Park and along Spencer St.. Turn right at Prospect Hill Rd. and left on to the track. Continue along the track under Canterbury Rd., under Mont Albert Rd. to Whitehorse Rd. Turn right on Whitehorse Rd. to enter the coffee shop. After coffee, continue right along Whitehorse Rd. to Parkside Ave. Turn right into Parkside Ave. to Chatfield Ave. Turn left into Chatfield Ave. Walk through Belmont Park to Mont Albert Rd. Exit the park and cross Mont Albert Rd. into MangarraRd. Walk along Mangarra Rd. to Canterbury Rd. Turn left to the lights. Cross Canterbury Rd. at the lights. Cross Boorondarra Park, back to the track and make your way back to the starting point by the same route.


1. Urban Forest (69B2 – 69G7)
Drive to the carpark near the corner of Waverley and Bruce Streets. Enter the track and turn right. Walk along the track upto Dandenong Road. Turn right and walk along Dandenong Road, to cross at the lights.  On the opposite side, turn right and walk along Dandenong Road, then turn right on to the track. Continue on the track until you reach a fork in the track. Take the fork on the right to Springthorpe gardens and view the memorial gates. Read the history plaques on display there. Turn left and walk along Neerim Road. You will see the memorial hoardings of the Old Outer Circle Railway. Turn right onto the track. Cross the railway line at Hughesdale and follow the track until you reach Richardson Street. Turn left to cross the railway line to Willesdon Rd. Turn right into Willesdon Rd. Keep walk until you see the railway bridge above. Turn right into the service lane, cross under the bridge, through the bus interchange to Portman St.  Walk along Portman St. to Eaton Mall which is full of coffee shops.  After coffee, go North along Eaton Mall. Turn left into Atherton Rd and then right into Drummond St. Walk along Drummond St. past the cemetery. Continue along Drummond St. , turn right at Logie St. Walk along Logie St., then left into Atkinson St. Cross Dandenong Rd. at the lights and follow Atkinson St. to the track along Scotchmans Creek. Turn left on to the track. Walk along the track till you reach the bridge which crosses over Warrigal Road. Cross the bridge and continue along the track. Cross Waverley Road at the lights and walk along the track till you reach the East Malvern station carpark. Turn left to cross Waverley Rd at the lights and make your way back to the cars on Bruce St.


1. Tunstall Square (47K4 - 48D2 )
To get to the starting point drive from corner Wetherby Road and Tristania St. Go along Tristania St. and turn right into Leeds  St.  Drive along Leeds St. to the Boronia Grove Reserve.  Park the car here and join the track heading east. Follow the track, ignoring the turnoff to the bridge. Continue along the track through the tunnel  under  Blackburn Road and a further 300 metres to a track on the left. This is a small track between 2 houses, so be careful not to miss it. Follow this track to Grevillia Road. Cross over Grevillia Road and join the track on the opposite side. Continue along this track to Tunstall Road. Continue up Tunstall Road to Tunstall Square. Toilets are on the right behind the shops. Stop at Tunstall Square for a coffee. After coffee, head back down Tunstall Road until you meet the track. Turn left along the track to the footbridge across the freeway. Turn right and follow the track. Cross Surrey Road with care as there are no lights, and continue along the path to the footbridge. Turn right to cross the footbridge and turn left onto the walking path to return to the cars.

2. Park Road (48F5 – 48J5)
Park your car at the end of Cabena St. and join the track by turning left to head east. Follow the track to cross Springvale Rd. at the lights and walk along the freeway track, through the tunnel under Mitcham Rd. to Park Road. Turn right at Park Rd. and walk along Park Rd. to  Mitcham Rd. Cross Mitcham Rd. at the lights to go to the coffee shop on the left, just over Andover  Avenue. After coffee, return to Mitcham Rd. and turn left to walk along Mitcham Road to meet the track along the South side of the freeway. Follow this track along the freeway, cross Springvale Road at the lights. Continue along the track to the footbridge. Turn right to go across the footbridge. On descending from the footbridge, turn right to return to the car at Cabena St.


1. Fairfield Boathouse (30D11 – 44F3)
Take the train to Rushall station on the South Morang line. The old colonist homes are opposite the station. These are part of the oldest community housing project.  Turn left as you come out of the station, go under the railway line and turn right. Do not cross the bridge. Follow the Capital City track. Go through the tunnel under High St.  and follow the track under Heidelberg Rd., then turn right and climb up a fairly steep track to Heidelberg Road. Walk along Heidelberg Road, turn right to cross the Merri Creek and immediately turn right into Yarra Bend Park and follow the track through the park to the toilets on the opposite side, go across the oval to reach the Boathouse for coffee. After coffee as you come out of the Boathouse, follow the Yarra downstream. Do not cross the Pipeline bridge. Continue along the Yarra. Turn right up the hill to Fairlea Road. ( There is an interesting walk along the Yarra which ends at the golf course). Cross Yarra Bend Road to the Asylum Gates. Follow the track to the Merri Creek . Cross under the Freeway to Dights Falls. After Dights Falls, continue across  Trennery Cr., Abbot St., Lulie St. to Victoria Park Station for train back. 

Ferntree Gully

1.  Ferntree Gully (73G6 – 74F6)
Drive to the corner Mountain Gate Dve. and Hancock Dve. Walk along Hancock Dve. to enter the Reserve. Turn left on to the track. Continue on the track, under Glenfern Rd., under Brenock Dve along Ferny Creek, past Kings Park, across Willow Rd. up to Dawson St. Turn right into Burwood Hwy and walk along Burwood Hwy where there are some coffee shops. After coffee return by the same route.

Glen Iris

1. Hedgeley Dene (59J8 -59G10
Take train to Glen Iris station and walk along High Street to Eric Raven Reserve. Alternatively drive to this reserve and park at the carpark there. Toilet facilities at the carpark. Join the track and head towards the freeway  and take the right hand fork to make your way to the subway under the freeway. Turn left into Allenby Ave, right to Hedgeley Dene Garden, cross Malvern Road at the lights. Continue through Hedgeley Dene to the lake. Toilets facilities available here. Exit Hedgeley Dene at Kardella St. Cross Burke Road at the lights to enter Central Park. Walk around the park to the fountain and the conservatory. Optional:  Finch St., Notts St. and Belson St. are beautiful tree lined streets with beautiful homes if you want to take an extra walk. Exit Central Park at the corner at Burke and Wattletree Roads. Walk down Wattletree Road to the coffee shop  about 5 doors down for some delicious hot chocolate. After coffee, return to Burke Road and turn left into Nyora St. At the end of Nyora St. there is a little lane leading to Tollington Av.  Turn right to return to Hedgeley Dene. Just at the corner of Tollington and Hegdeley Dene, there is a gorgeous tree and a lake. Return along the same route. Stop for lunch at the Eric Raven reserve.


1. Kew Outer Circle Railway (45E2 – 45K7)
Meet at corner White Ave. and Kilby Rd. Enter Hyde Park and join the track to the left. Follow the track along the embankment between Asquith St. and Sutherland Ave. Continue to Belford Rd., around the round about and continue along Valerie St., across High St.. Follow the track across Burke Rd. to Whitehorse Rd. for coffee. Return via the same route with an option to walk south along High Street to Boorondara Cemetry, which will add about 1 km.


1. Allnutt Park (68C11 – 67J9)
Park your car at the carpark off Wheatley Road. Follow the track, cross Thomas St., along Union St. to Hawthorn Road. Cross Hawthorn Road at the lights, then turn right into Elizabeth st. then into Noel St., cross Landcox St. into Landcox Park to view the lake in the centre of the park. Exit the park at Mavis st. where there is a big Buddhist centre, originally a French children’s home and a statue. Turn right into Wairoa Av., then left into Landcox to North Road, along North Road to Hawthorn Road. Turn right into Hawthorn Road to the coffee shop few doors down. After coffee, cross Hawthorn Road and along North Road to enter the cemetery. Toilets there. Cemetery is very old from 1855. On exiting the cemetery, cross North Road into Hodder St. to join the track along Union St. and make your way back to the cars.

Mount Waverley

1. Valley Reserve (70G2 - 71 A7)
Park your car at the Valley Reserve, Mount Waverley car park. Toilet facilities are availale at the car park before starting the walk. We join the walking track along the creek, leading to Regent Street. Cross Regent St. and continue on the walking track through the Melbourne Water Retarding Basin. We reach Blackburn Road to walk across the footbridge and continue along the track to Waverley Road. Cross Waverley Road and continue into Ivanhoe st. Keep walkiong along Ivanhoe street, turn left into Callaghan Av., then walk through the park to pond at the end of the track. Return via Settler Crt. to the Waverley Aquatic Centre for coffee. After coffee, turn left along Waverley Road and enter the walking track Lakeview. On the right, on a little embankment which you climb up a few feet, there is a pretty little lake. Return to the track and make your way back along the same route to your car at Valley Reserve.

Park Orchards 

1. Mullum Mullum  Creek (49A1 – 35E11)
Park at the carpark at corner Conos Ct and Park Rd. Walk across the park to enter the track on the left. Follow the track until the Gate, then walk back to the car.  The drive along Park Road. Turn into Hopetoun Rd. to the coffee shop. After coffee, drive to Brucedale Cr. Park there and walk along the Brucedale Crescent and Ennismore Cr. and back to the car.


1. Ringwood Lake (49D7 – 49K8)
Start from Schwerkolt Cottage at 49D7. Turn right into Mullum Mullum Creek track. Walk under the Eastern Freeway. Follow the track which is parallel to the Ringwood Bypass, cross Warrandyte Road, under the Bypass through a tunnel which gets you on the other side of the Bypass. Get onto Suda Av. and walk towards Samuel St. upto the lights at the corner of Whitehorse Road and Ringwood Bypass. Cross the street and get onto Whitehorse Road. Follow the road upto Ringwood Lake. There are toilets there. Follow the track around the lake. Return to Whitehorse Road and turn left to follow the track again to Warrandyte Road. Cross Warrandyte Road to enter the Plaza at Eastland Shopping Centre and stop for coffee at the Coffee Club in the Plaza. After Coffee, exit the Plaza, turn right and walk towards Ringwood Street. Turn right and walk along Ringwood Street. Cross the Ringwood Bypass at the lights. Enter the track and turn left. Follow the track which will go under Deep Creek Road, cross Eastlink and cross the footbridge over Mullum Mullum Creek. Turn left to return to Schwerkolt Cottage for lunch.

2. Burnt Bridge (49K6 – 50D3)
Start at corner Prospect Ct and Rupert St. (Enter Rupert St. which is the second street on the left after the Ringwood Bypass and Whitehorse Road intersection). Enter the track by turning right before the wooden bridge.(Do not cross this bridge). Follow the track and cross Oban St.. About 100m up there is a footbridge. Cross the bridge and there are toilet facilities there. Follow the track to Whitehorse Road. Turn left into Whitehorse Road and walk along Whitehorse Road and cross the lights at Beaufort Rd.  There is a cake shop in the Burnt Bridge shopping centre which is on Beaufort St. Stop here for coffee. After coffee return by the same route until you reach a pedestrian bridge. Do not cross this bridge, but continue up the track until you reach Mullum Mullum reserve. Stop for lunch and walk across the wooden bridge to return to the car.

3. Source of Mullum Mullum Creek (36 G12 – 50D3 )
Meet at McAdams Square. Walk down Kiftain Dr. Turn right into Binbrook Dr, left into Leyland St., then right into Highland Ave. to join the track at the end of Highland Ave. Mullum Mullum Creek starts from here. Follow the track, past Kalinda Rd. About 100 metres before Oban Road, there is a footbridge. Cross the bridge  at the Burnt Bridge Tennis Club. Follow the track to Whitehorse Road. Turn left at Whitehorse Road, right at the lights at Beaufort Road. There is a cake shop in the Burnt Bridge shopping centre which is on Beaufort St. Stop here for coffee. Return to the track by the same route. Stop for lunch at McAdams Square where there is a nice pizza, sandwich café.

4. Mullum Mullum Creek Tunnel (49D7 – 48J5)
Meet at Schwerkolt Cottage at 49D7. Turn left and follow the track along Mullum Mullum Creek. Cross Beckett Street. Keep walking at the mouth of the tunnel, cross a rough track to enter Lisbeth Av. Turn left into Park Rd. Cross Mitcham Road at the lights and turn left onto Mitcham Road. There is a coffee shop near the corner of Andover Ave. Stop for coffee and return by the same route.


1. Petty’s Orchard (22A12 – 34F3)
Start at corner Monckton and Homestead Road.  Walk along Monckton Road, through Petty’s Orchard, past the little lake on the right upto the track by the Yarra river. Turn right and follow the track along Mullum Mullum creek past the Yarra junction. Turn left along the track and walk to ‘The Parkway’ road. Do not enter The Parkway road, but continue along the track on to the one lane bridge, past the BBQ and follow the track to Beasley’s Nursery for coffee.   Return along the same route and stop for lunch at Petty’s Orchard.

2. Templestowe (33D8 – 33E4) – short walk but fairly hilly
Meet at Totara Ct, off Eucalyptus St.  Join the track and cross Lynnwood Pde and walkl along Montpellier Crescent to Montpellier Reserve. Cross the park to Eumeralla Av. and walk along the Ruffey Creek track to Foote St. Cross Foote St. to enter Maclachlan St.. Walk along Maclachlan St. and turn right into James St. and right again into Anderson St. where you stop for coffee.
Return along the same route.
An extension of this walk would start at Ruffey Lake

3. Ruffey Lake (33 J10 -33 E4)
Meet at Church Road off King St. Doncaster and park in the roundabout there. Follow the upper  track to the junction of Ruffey Creek and King St. Cross King st. and continue along the track under Williamsons Road, through Montpellier Reserve and Eumerella avenue. walk along the Ruffey Creek track to Foote St. Cross Foote St. to enter Maclachlan St.. Walk along Maclachlan St. and turn right into James St. and right again into Anderson St. where you stop for coffee. On the return, follow the track along the right hand  edge of Ruffey Park, cross the bridge over Ruffey Lake and follow and follow the track along the Lake and Ruffey Creek.  Follow the path back towards the playground, and back to the cars.

4. Finns Reserve (33B4 – 33F2)
Meet at Duncan St. off Union street. Toilet facilities there. From Duncan St. turn right to follow the track to the footbridge over the Yarra, turn right, past Odyssey House on the left, cross the Yarra again, climb the hill and take the path on the right to the picnic area and follow the curving path on the left to the Mia Mia Gallery and café for a coffee stop. Return via the same route to have lunch in the beautiful play area where we parked the cars.

5. Westerfolds Park (33F1 – 33F2)
Enter from the corner of Fitzsimons Lane into Summerhill Road to the car park near the park office. Walk across the park to see the canoe launching and viewing platform under Fitzsimons Lane. Return to follow the track along the river. At the fork, turn left to follow the track to the Mia Mia Gallery and café. After coffee, turn left along the track to make your way back to the carpark.


1. Abbey Walk South (63D3 – 63A9)
Start at corner of The Mews and Abbey Walk. Walk down the track and turn right. Follow the track, cross Boronia Rd, through Koomba Park, to the lights at Morack Road. Cross Burwood Hwy at the lights and go to Bunnings for coffee. Return via the same route.

2. Bellbird Dell (62K3 – 62K9)
Start at Dunwold Way. The track starts from the end of this street. Walk along the track to George Road. Go into Terrara Road. Turn right to walk through Terrara Park to the laneway leading to Eden Valley Close. Turn right into Great Western Drive, right into Morack Road to Burwood Hwy. Cross at the lights and go to Bunnings for coffee. Return via the same route to the cars.  It is uphill on the way back, but not too bad. Pick up car and drive along Terrara Road to George Road and stop for lunch at the south end of Bellbird Dell.

3. Drummies Bridge Reserve (71H1 –  62K9)
Start at corner Knights Drive and High Street Road. Park along Knights Drive. Turn left into the service road along High Street Road and turn left into the track through the pony club. Follow the track past Highbury Road.  There are 3 tracks, take the centre track and climb Mount Rubbish and the lookout. Continue along the track to reach Bunnings on Burwood Hwy. To return, turn left at Burwood Hwy to Mont Ct which leads to the track and make your way back to the car via the same route, and have lunch at Drummies Park


1. Abbey Walk Dandenong Creek (63D3 – 64B3)
Start at corner of The Mews and Abbey Walk. Walk down to the track. Turn left and walk along the track to the bridge. Cross the bridge and follow the track under Eastlink, past Wantirna Road.  Go past the first track turnoff on the right and enter the second track turnoff on the right. The track will lead you to the corner of Mountain Highway and Stud Road. Stop here for iced coffee and a Subway meal. No hot coffee here. Return along the same route. Alternatively, you can turn right along the track and cross the footbridge to return on the opposite bank to Wantirna Road. Cross the footbridge at Wantirna Road and walk back along the track to the car. This will add 1 km. to the distance.

2. Blind Creek (72E3 – 64A11)
Start at Blind Creek Rd.  Turn right along the track. Follow the track, cross High St. Road and continue along the track, past Timmothy Dve., cross under Burwood Hwy, along Stud Rd. Cross Stud Rd. at the lights. Walk through the Knox shopping centre to the Ozone  area for coffee at the Coffee Club. Return by the same route.

3. Dorset Road (64B10 – 73K1)
Start at Arthur St. Walk into Lewis Park and turn left to join the track. Follow the track past Lewis Rd., Scoresby Rd., under Dorset Rd.  to Adven Playground and the Tim Neville Arboretum. Exit the park at Edina Rd. and walk up Edina Rd. to the Business Centre for coffee. Return via the same route.


1. Beasley’s Nursery (34G7 – 34F2)
Drive to the corner of Springvale and Reynolds Road. Turn right into Reynolds Rd. and immediately turn right into Mullum Mullum Reserve to park the car. Join the walking track and cross Reynolds Road at the lights. Turn right into the walking track and walk until you reach Heidelberg-Warrandyte Road. Cross the road and this leads into Beasley’s Nursery. Stop here for coffee and return to the car by the same route. Have lunch at Mullum Mullum reserve.

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