Wednesday 28 August 2013

Wurundjeri Trail

This walk is named after the Wurundjeri clan who lived in this area prior to white settlement.
The Wurundjeri Wetlands enhance the recreational value of the park with the creation of an attractive habitat for water birds.

The walking tracks, seats and viewing points allow visitors to enjoy the wetlands, observe the many bird species that can be sighted here  and admire the indigenous trees in the area.
For bird lovers, there are many bird species to be seen here including the White-faced Heron, Pied Cormorant, Straw-necked Ibis, Black Duck, Black-fronted Dotterell and Australian Wood Duck. 

Another highlight of this walk is the amazing crystal display on the nature strip of the house in O'brien Crescent.

Melway Map reference: 61K5 - 61F3
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"
Toilet Facilities: Eley Park
Coffee Stop: Coffee shops along Middleborough Road

Park your car on Holland Road, close to the Holland Gully park and playground.

Walk across the grassy strip to the corner of Eley Rd and Royton St.

Cross into Eley Park, walking past the Oval to the corner of Obrien Cr. and Lana St. A couple of houses along O'briens Cr. from that corner, you can view the Crystal display on the nature strip. The owner of this house is a passionate collector or crystals and has a huge and interesting collection which he has displayed on his nature strip for a few years.  Take your time to enjoy and admire his collection.

Continue along Lana St., turn right into Mira St., left into Sylvia St. right into Fullton Rd.. Cross Fullton Rd. and enter the track at the corner of Samuel Rd. and Fullton Rd.

Walk across the park towards the Orchard Grove Primary School  and turn left on to the track and follow the track, past the lake to Wilkes Pl. Cross Middleborough Rd. at the lights and stop for coffee at the shops along Middleborough Rd.

To return , cross Middleborough Rd. Wilkes Pl. and back on to the track. Now take the track on the right, before the lake and walk along the opposite side of the lake. Walk along the track to exit at Fullton Rd. Walk along Fullton Rd and turn right on Holland Rd. to return to the car. Have lunch at the Holland Gully park.

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