Wednesday 28 August 2013

Canterbury Gardens

This is a pleasant walk through parkland along the Bayswater walking track ending in a coffee shop stop for some delicious Vanilla slice.

Melway Map reference: 65C2 - 64G3
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 33 and 27 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Toilet Facilities and coffee stop: Vanilla slice coffee shop and oval 

Drive along Dorset Rd., turn right at Allambanan St., right into Keswick Cr., and right into Laura Ct., Bayswater North. (Melways 65 C2).

Walk to the end of the court, walk the short distance along the dirt track to the path, turn right along the track and walk under Dorset Road and under Bayswater Road.

Turn into the first turnoff on the left after Bayswater Road.
Follow the track through the playground to King Street.  (Toilets are located near the oval).

Walk towards Mountain Hwy., turn right, cross over the railway line and then you will see a couple of shops selling vanilla slices (and other goodies). I prefer the first shop (www.heavenlypiesand but you may like to try both and make up your own mind as to which vanilla slice is better. Have coffee and a Vanilla slice there.

Return to the cars by the same route.

We then drive to Canterbury Gardens via Laura Court and Keswick Cr. and turn right onto Allambanan Drive.

Drive to the Canterbury Gardens where you can stop for lunch.

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