Sunday 1 September 2013

Kew Outer Circle Railway

This is a pleasant walk along the extension of the Outer Circle Railway in Kew

Melway Map reference: 45E2 - 45K7
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

 Toilet facilities and coffee stop: At the coffee shops along Whitehorse Road

Drive to the corner of White Ave. and Kilby Rd., Kew

Enter Hyde Park and join the track to the left.

Follow the track along the embankment between Asquith St. and Sutherland Ave.

Continue to Belford Rd., around the round about and continue along Valerie St., across High St..

Follow the track across Burke Rd. to Whitehorse Rd. for coffee.

Return via the same route.

As and option, you could walk an additional 1 km. if you walk south south along High Street to Boorondara Cemetry.

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