Tuesday 13 August 2013

Wattle Park, Burwood

This walk to Wattle Park features huge gum trees, wattles, seasonal wildflowers and ponds.
The historic Chalet is set among exotic trees and sweeping lawns and is a popular functions venue.

Melway Map reference: 61A6 - 60J3 
"Maps reproduced from Melway Editions 27 and 33 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd".

Toilet Facilities: At the Chalet and also at the golf club
Coffee Stop: At the coffee shop in the golf club

To commence this walk, drive and park on Judith Street, Burwood.
Walk to the end of the street and turn left to enter the walking track along Gardiners Creek.

You will see there a couple of wooden sculptures, a monument to the first Melbourne Drive In site, as well as a sculpture of a 1950s Holden ute.

Notice also the few remaining Orchard fruit trees which have been left here to show how this  region with its market gardens used to look like.

 Cross Burwood Hwy at the Elgar Road lights. Turn right and walk along Burwood Hwy for approx. 100 mtrs and turn left into the Gardiners Creek track.

After walking about 1 km. you will see childrens play equipment ahead. At this point turn left into the second turnoff towards Stott Street. Walk along  Stott street, cross Elgar Road and walk to the entrance to Wattle Park.

Turn left into Wattle Park and follow the track. Turn right at the Oval, through the parking area towards the large carpark as you will walk past the Chalet.

                                The Chalet

Stop for coffee at the golf club. After coffee, make your way back past the toilets and chateau  towards Riversdale Road. Turn right and follow the track to Riversdale Road.  Cross Elgar Road at the lights at the corner of Elgar and Riversdale Roads. Follow Riversdale Road.

As an option, you can turn left into Grandview Road to have a look at the views to the Dandenongs. This will add half Km. to the walk.  Keep walking along Riversdale Road, turn right into Station Street. Turn right into the Gardiners Creek track. Walk along the track till you get to the bridge to cross over to the other side of the creek. Walk past the Deakin University ovals and continue to Burwood Hwy. Cross at Elgar Road lights and return to the car at Judith Street.

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