Sunday 18 August 2013

Ricketts Point, Bayside

This is a gentle walk along Beaumaris Bay to Ricketts Point.

With its rockpools close to shore, Ricketts Point sanctuary is the perfect place to wonder at Victoria's underwater marine life. This marine sanctuary of 115ha  with sandstone platforms is home to an array of marine creatures and is excellent for rockpool exploration. Bordered by jutting cliffs of sandstone which have been worn down into a series of platforms, sea caves and offshore reefs, this site is easily accessible for all.

Within the diverse range of habitats at this site, there are many plants and animals which can be found. Near shore, the rocks are covered with green and red algae which shelters a range of invertebrates including brittle stars, bristle worms and crustaceans. The surrounding sandy bottoms are covered by patches of seagrass which attract a range of fish species. In deeper waters, rock bommies are carpeted in either green Caulerpa or brown Sargassum, which hides many small animals. These rocks also attract fish species including Southern Hulafish, scalyfin and morwong. If you look carefully, you may be able to uncover one of the masters of disguise, a cuttlefish. These animals are experts at changing their colour and skin texture to conceal themselves.

Melway Map reference: 86 K7 – 86 D9
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Toilet Facilities and coffee stop: Ricketts Point coffee shop

Park your cars along Kitchener St., Beaumaris and start the walk at the corner of Kitchener St. and Beach Road.

Cross Beach Road at the lights and follow the walking track along Beaumaris Bay to Ricketts Point, and continue on to Ricketts Point Teahouse for coffee.
Return along the same route.

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