Friday 23 August 2013

Ricketts Point Artist Trail

This is a beautiful walk where you can observe the views that have inspired many artists, and perhaps will inspire you to become an artist yourself ! 

 Rickett's Point 1890 artwork by Charles Conder

This is an oil on canvas painting by Charles Condor, an English artist who was commissioned to produce this painting in 1890. Critics noticed how Conder had achieved the atmospheric effect of a summer day at the beach in Ricketts Point, but couldn't accept the notion that the work was indeed a ‘finished’ one.

This walk along Port Philip Bay leads to Ricketts Point and the marine sanctuary. 

With its rockpools close to shore, Ricketts Point sanctuary is the perfect place to wonder at Victoria's underwater marine life. This marine sanctuary of 115ha  with sandstone platforms is home to an array of marine creatures and is excellent for rockpool exploration. Bordered by jutting cliffs of sandstone which have been worn down into a series of platforms, sea caves and offshore reefs, this site is easily accessible for all.

Melway Map reference: 85J2 – 86C8

"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 33 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Toilet Facilities: At corner Bayview Crescent & Beach Road and at the Ricketts Point coffee shop
Coffee stop: Ricketts Point coffee shop

Drive to  the corner of Bayview Crescent and Beach Road, Black Rock North and park your car along Bayview Crescent. 
Cross Beach Road at the lights. Toilet facilities available at the start of the track.
Turn left and follow the track going south along Port Phillip Bay to Ricketts Point  and admire the marine sanctuary along the way.
Stop for coffee at the Ricketts Point Teahouse  and return back to your cars along same route.

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