Wednesday 12 June 2013

Introduction to Fun Walks

Welcome to Fun Walks

The walks on this blog are mainly geared towards people who want to enjoy the outdoors on a 6 to 7 km walk through Melbourne's parkland, walking trails and suburbs, while also making sure that there are simple comforts along the way, like a coffee shop stop and rest rooms,  hence we call them 'Fun Walks'.

Just a bit about our history.......let me introduce Evelyn Letts and Noel Jeffery

They are both founding members of the Waverley Life Activities Club (LAC).

As part of LAC, Evelyn started the walking group and was the leader for a number of years, taking our members on walks through the suburbs of  Melbourne.

Noel subsequently took over as the leader and developed many of the walks featured here.  Noel has led our members on these walks for over 10 years and both Evelyn and Noel continue to be active members of our club.

Noel is a passionate hiker and has a wealth of information about the history and highlights along these walks.  It is this knowledge that I hope to capture on this blog and make  available to everyone who would like to join us on our Fun Walks.


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