Thursday 5 September 2013

Source of Mullum Mullum Creek

The Mullum Mullum Creek is a beautiful bush walking track and this walk starts at the point where this creek originates.

Melway Map reference: 36G12– 50D3 
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Toilet facilities: Burnt Bridge shopping centre
Coffee stop: Coffee shop on Beaufort Street

Meet at McAdam Square in Ringwood. Walk down Kirtain Dr. Turn right into Binbrook Dr, left into Leyland St., then right into Highland Ave. to join the track at the end of Highland Ave.

Mullum Mullum Creek starts from here. Follow the track, past Kalinda Rd. About 100 metres before Oban Road, there is a footbridge. Cross the bridge  at the Burnt Bridge Tennis Club. Follow the track to Whitehorse Road. Turn left at Whitehorse Road, right at the lights at Beaufort Road.

There is a cake shop in the Burnt Bridge shopping centre which is on Beaufort St. Stop here for coffee. Return to the track by the same route.

Stop for lunch at McAdam Square where there is a nice pizza, sandwich café.

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