Sunday 1 September 2013

Mullum Mullum Creek

Park Orchards is a beautiful part of Melbourne especially during Spring.

Melway Map reference: 49A1 - 35E11
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 33 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd".

This walk spans 2 Melway maps, but only Map 35 is displayed here as it is the more significant part of the walk.

Toilet facilities and Coffee stop: At the coffee shop on Hopetoun Road, Park Orchards

This walk is split into two sections, with the coffee stop in between.

First, drive and park your car in the carpark at the corner of Conos Ct and Park Rd. Park Orchards.

Walk across the park to enter the track on the left. Keep walking along this track until you reach a Gate, beyond which you cannot proceed any further. Although the track extends further, the property beyond the gate is now private, and so access is not allowed to the general public.

Return to the car, and drive along Park Road, turning into Hopetoun Rd. Stop for coffee at one of the coffee shops there.

After coffee, drive to Brucedale Cr.  and park the car there. Walk along Brucedale Crescent and Ennismore Cr. and then back to the car.

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