Sunday 1 September 2013

Greythorn Park

This is a very nice walk in Greythorn Park which in the 1940s was a wild life sanctuary, although there is no trace of the former zoo today. 

This walk is quite steep down hill and uphill in parts so it may not be suitable for everyone.

Melway Map reference: 46G4 - 47B4 

"Maps reproduced from Melway Editions 27 and  33 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd".

Toilet facilities: At Elgar Park
Coffee stop: At the coffee shop at the corner Kalonga Road and Belmore Road

Drive to Greythorn Park and park at the car park there. 

Go across the park to Frank St., turn right and walk along Frank St. to Greythorn Road. 

Turn left to walk along Greythorn Rd. , cross the road and turn right into Sweyn St. 

Walk along Sweyn St. till you get to a fork. Turn right into St. Bridgets Rise. This is a very steep down hill walk. 

Cross Winfield Road and join the walking track to the right. This is the Koonung Trail.
Follow the track until you reach the track along the freeway. 

Turn right and walk past the lakes to get to the footbridge. Get on to the footbridge, and from here, you can get a good view of the lakes and the freeway.  Return back to the track. 

Continue along the track to Belmore Road through Elgar Park. Enjoy the mini Railway here at Elgar Park.(Toilet facilities available here). 

Cross Belmore Road to Boxhill Cr. and turn right into Arnott St. Join the track through a set of gardens, and through Gawler Chain Reserve to Strabane Ave. This is an uphill walk. 

Turn right into Strabane Ave. and continue along Strabane to Union Road.

Turn right along Union Rd. to the roundabout, cross Belmore Road and make your way to the coffee shop at the corner of Kalonga Road and Belmore Road. 

After coffee, turn right along Belmore Road, turn right into Luena Road, left into Ajana St., right into Abassia St. , left into Yenda St. to Greythorn Rd. Turn right into Greythorn Rd. and left into Alpha St. to return to the cars at Greythorn Park.

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