Wednesday 11 September 2013

Finns Reserve

This walk takes in several highlights. In addition to the beautiful Yarra scenery and the children's park, you will also see Odyssey House which was previously a drug rehabilitation centre, and the Mia Mia Gallery of Aboriginal Art. Have a look at this link to get more information on the Mia Mia Gallery

Melway Map reference: 33B4 – 33F2 
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd".

Toilet Facilities: Finns Reserve Carpark and Mia Mia Gallery
Coffee Stop: Mia Mia Gallery

Drive and park on Duncan Street, off Union street, Templestowe. Toilet facilities here.
From Duncan St. turn right to follow the track to the footbridge over the Yarra.
Turn right, past Odyssey House on the left and cross the Yarra again.
Climb up the hill and take the path on the right to the picnic area and follow the curving path on the left to the Mia Mia Gallery of Aboriginal art. Stop at the café here for coffee.
 Return via the same route to return to the cars. The beautiful play area here is a nice place to stop for lunch.

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