Thursday 29 August 2013

Hedgeley Dene

Hedgeley Dene is a one of the most attractive and popular gardens in this area, and is set among beautiful residential gardens and period houses. As an established and well maintained combination of lawn, deciduous and broadleaf trees and an ornamental lake, Hedgeley Dene gives the impression of an English garden.

The other highlight of this walk is Central Park with the fountain and conservatory which may well be worth a visit.  

Melway Map reference: 59J8 - 59G10
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd.

Toilet Facilities: At the carpark and near the ornamental lake in Hedgeley Dene Garden
Coffee stop: At the coffee shop on Wattletree Road 

Take the train to Glen Iris station and walk along High Street to Eric Raven Reserve. Alternatively, you could drive to this reserve and park at the carpark there. Toilet facilities are available at the carpark. Join the track and head towards the freeway  and take the right hand fork to make your way to the subway under the freeway.

Turn left into Allenby Ave, right to Hedgeley Dene Garden, crossing Malvern Road at the lights.

Continue through Hedgeley Dene to the ornamental lake and just enjoy the beauty of this setting.

Exit Hedgeley Dene at Kardella St.
Cross Burke Road at the lights to enter Central Park. Walk around the park to the fountain and the conservatory. If the conservatory is open, you may want to have a quick look around.

If you feel energetic and want to have an extra km to walk. consider walking through  Finch St., Notts St. and Belson St. which are beautiful tree lined streets with grand period homes.

Exit Central Park at the corner at Burke and Wattletree Roads.

Walk down Wattletree Road to the coffee shop  about 5 doors down for some delicious hot chocolate.

After coffee, return to Burke Road and turn left into Nyora St. At the end of Nyora St. there is a little lane leading to Tollington Av.  Turn right to return to Hedgeley Dene. Just at the corner of Tollington and Hegdeley Dene, there is a gorgeous tree and a lake.

Return along the same route. Stop for lunch at the Eric Raven reserve.

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