Friday 30 August 2013

Bellbird Dell

This walk is through the Bellbird Dell Reserve.

The Bellbird Parkland Advisory committee have an excellent website which provides detailed information on this park.....see link below

Melway Map reference: 62K3 - 62K9
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd.

Toilet facilities: In Terrara Park and at Bunnings
Coffee Stop: At Bunnings

Drive to Dunwold Way, Vermont and park along this street. Walk to the end of this street as the track starts from there.

Walk along the beautiful Bellbird Dell Reserve track to George Road.
Go into Terrara Road, then  turn left to walk through Terrara Park. You will find a laneway leading to Eden Valley Close. Continue on this laneway and turn right into Great Western Drive and right again into Morack Road to Burwood Hwy.
Cross at the lights and go to Bunnings for coffee. Return via the same route to the cars.

On the return journey, it is uphill, but hopefully not too strenuous.
After returning to the cars, drive along Terrara Road to George Road and stop for lunch at the south end of Bellbird Dell Reserve.

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