Welcome to Melbourne Fun Walks

All the walks on this blog are around 6 to 7 kms long. They are mainly geared towards people who want to enjoy Melbourne's parkland, walking trails and suburbs, while also making sure that there are simple comforts along the way, like a coffee shop stop and rest rooms,  hence we call them 'Fun Walks'.

I have been on many of these walks myself, and hope to do all of them in time.  As I complete each walk, I intend to update this blog  to reflect my experience of the walk.

We are so lucky to have such a wealth of wonderfully developed and maintained walking tracks all over Melbourne. 

So go ahead.........click on the 'Walk Highlights' tab or use the index on the right till you find a walk that interests you, put on your walking shoes and get out there to enjoy our beautiful Melbourne.

Your comments and suggestions on the walks posted here will be most welcome, so do leave your comments.