Monday 1 July 2013

Blackburn Lake, Blackburn

This is a nature lovers walk along the serene and picturesque Blackburn Lake and gorgeous bush while enjoying the abundance of birdlife. The other highlights of this walk include Jeffery Street which is National Trust certified and the delectable selections at the Gourmet Girl Cafe.

Melway Map reference: 48B11 – 47J10
"Maps reproduced from Melway Edition 35 with the permission of Melway Publishing Pty Ltd"

Toilet facilities : Blackburn Lake Sanctuary and Gourmet Girl Café
Coffee Stop: Gourmet Girl Cafe

Drive and park your car at the Blackburn Lake carpark off Central Rd .   Toilet facilities available at the carpark before starting the walk.  Go past the Eucalyptus track on the left and head down hill towards the lake to join the Lakeside track. Once on the Lakeside track, turn left to walk along the lake, past several viewing platforms.   Take your time to view the lake at the viewing platforms is simply stunning! 

As you reach the head of the lake, take the track on the right which goes along the opposite side of the lake.  There are several little bridges to go across. Here is a picture taken from one of the bridges. 

Continue along the track until you reach Lake Road.
Across Lake Road you will see a green patch. Cross Lake Road to take this green path  which will lead to Naughton Gv.
Follow Naughton Gv. to Blackburn Rd. , turn right, and walk along Blackburn Road to Heath St.
Cross Blackburn Rd.  at Heath St. and join the track in Blackburn Creeksland Reserve. Continue along the track, cross Main St. and Packenham St. and take the first right turn and then right again and follow the track to Fushcia St. Turn left at Fushcia St, then right into Salisbury Ave up to the Gourmet Girl Café at the corner of  Salisbury Ave. and Pakenham St.
Stop for coffee at the café. 
When you exit Gourmet Girl café, turn right into Laburnum Rd. Walk along Laburnum Rd. and turn into Myrtle Rd. on the right.  Walk along Myrtle Rd. and then turn left into Linum St.
Walk past the heritage  B&Bs in Linum St., cross Laurel Gv. till you reach Main St.
Turn right at Main St. and continue along Main St. to  enter the track by turning left into Furness Park. Continue along the track to Furness St. to Blackburn Rd. Cross Blackburn Rd. and keep walking along Blackburn Rd, then turn left into the National Trust’s Jeffrey St. As a National Trust street, there are no kerbs and guttering on this street. 

Walk along Jeffrey St.  to Lake Rd. and cross to the park entrance. Take the left track down to the lake and return to the carpark.

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